News: The website for credit/debit payment has been fixed. You can now register from the given link.
SOHOMA 2023 Registration guidelines
You can register to SOHOMA 2023 following the instructions given below:
For each accepted paper, one author must register, pay the registration fee and present personally the paper at the conference. Please note that the inclusion of the paper presentation in the conference program and the publication of the paper in the conference proceedings are subject to the registration and payment of at least one of the authors.
In addition to the payment, please complete this registration form in order to confirm your participation and the corresponding dietary requirements :
SOHOMA 2023 Payment instructions
Registration can be paid by credit/debit card, or via bank transfer. Please do not forget to choose the corresponding fee.
Please follow the link for the credit/debit card payment: https://btk.univ-smb.fr/inscription_evt/sohoma-2023-annecy-france
For the payment via bank transfer, you can do it to the following account.
IAE Savoie Mont Blanc, 4 chemin de Bellevue Annecy le Vieux, 74944 Annecy – France
Bank account information Université Savoie Mont Blanc :
Bank : Trésor Public
IBAN : FR76 1007 1730 0000 0010 0012 717
Review the registration and refund policy carefully as refund penalties may apply. In case of any question about registration rates and/or refund policy, please contact directly at the following e-mail: jf.jimenez@univ-smb.fr
The Workshop registration fees are as follows
Registration Fees
Before August 30, 2023 After August 31, 2023
Students* (Masters, PhD) 200 € 300 €
Academics / Recherchers 350 € 450 €
Companies / Industries 400 € 500 €
Accompanying person 75 € 75 €
* Students must provide a valid university ID
Extra cost
Over-length page fee: US$ 50 per page in excess of the 12-page allowance
What is covered by the fee?
The registration fee for Students, Academics/Researchers or Practicioners (Companies/Industries) includes the access to the workshop sessions, coffee breaks, lunch for both days, dinner gala (28 sept), and the springer book proceedings.
The registration fee for the Accopanying person includes the access to the dinner gala.
Important Dates
Proposals of Special Sessions: February 20, 2023 March 5, 2023
Full paper submission: May 15, 2023 June 3, 2023 June 15, 2023 (Hard Deadline)
Notification of acceptance/Rejection: June 15, 2023 June 15, 2023 July 10, 2023 *
Final camera-ready paper submission: July 10, 2023 September 4, 2023
Early registration and fee payment: July 15, 2023 August 30, 2023
SOHOMA 2023 Workshop September 28-29, 2023
Cancellations are allowed after registration payments according to the following policy:
Cancelation notice should be sent to SOHOMA 2023 organizers, and it should be provided the initial proof of payment.
Paper upload fees and additional page in proceedings fees cannot be refunded.
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