
Submission > Submission information

Paper submission and Publication


Papers must be submitted for any of the above topics or for the Special Sessions defined for this workshop in PDF format via the Submission menu (Submit a paper) on the SOHOMA'23 website, in the Scienceconf Management System. 

The material submitted for presentation at the workshop must be original, not published or being considered elsewhere. The working language is English. Papers are limited to 12 pages formatted for the Springer book series “Studies in Computational Intelligence” according to the instructions given at http://www.springer.com/series/7092. Papers may be submitted in Word or Latex format, which the related Springer templates can be downloaded from the Submission menu of the SOHOMA 2023 website. 

Papers may be submitted in Word or Latex format; the Springer templates can be downloaded at:

Template for Word papers

Template for Latex papers

 All papers duly presented at the workshop will be included in the SOHOMA’23 post-conference Proceedings volume published in the Springer series “Studies in Computational Intelligence”, indexed Web of Science, Scopus, ISI Proceedings and DBLP Computer Science. Selected, extended papers will be proposed for publication in a special issue of one journal representative for the workshop’s domain. The selection will be based upon the quality of the papers and the novelty, original contributions and technical soundness of the work. These extended papers will be blind-reviewed, which does not mean their automatic acceptance.


Final submission and Springer Publishing agreement

For the final Submission, please operate all corrections and improvements formulated by the reviewers and attached to your SciencesConfs account (log in as “Author” and follow your submission(s)). Please follow strictly the author instructions of Springer-Verlag when preparing the final version of your camera-ready paper.

The paper’s size limit is 12 pages in Springer format. The authors must send by September 4, 2023 to jf.jimenez@univ-smb.fr with the following files,

  • The camera-ready paper in Word or Latex format and the corresponding pdf
  • The Springer Publishing Agreement filled and signed with the paper and the authors data (It is only needed the signatureof the corresponding author. Still, all author must be in the agreement) 

Please find the Springer Publishing Agreement --- Here






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